Google Summer of Code 2010 is on!

April 27, 2010   ·   2 min read

ecf egit emf equinox hudson mylyn rap restlet wave

Finally the voting process for this years Google Summer of Code is over and they announced the accepted students. I’m really happy that so many interesting proposals got trough and really looking forward to see the outcome of all the student projects.

Here is the full list of the proposals that got accepted for 2010.
Improve Eclipse Git integration
Student: Dariusz Luksza
Mentor(s): Matthias Sohn

WAR deployment for RAP/Equinox based applications
Student: Holger Staudacher
Mentor(s): Ruediger Herrmann

Theme editor for RAP
Student: Benjamin Muskalla (IRC: benny`work)
Mentor(s): Ruediger Herrmann

Rich Editor For Wiki Markup
Student: Harshana Eranga Martin
Mentor(s): David Green

index based model compare match engine
Student: Stefan Leopold
Mentor(s): Cedric Brun

Restlet integration with Equinox
Student: Rajeev Sampath
Mentor(s): Bryan Hunt

C++ editor enhancements
Student: Tomasz Wesolowski
Mentor(s): Alena Laskavaia

DNS-SD based wide-area ECF discovery provider
Student: Markus Alexander Kuppe (IRC: lemmy)
Mentor(s): Scott Lewis

Hudson Integration for Mylyn
Student: Markus Knittig
Mentor(s): Steffen Pingel

Google Wave ECF provider
Student: Sebastian Schmidt (IRC: sebs)
Mentor(s): Mustafa Isik

Integrate GMF runtime with Mylyn task focused UI
Student: Yongming Luo
Mentor(s): Mariot Chauvin

Congratulations to all the students and a big kudos to the organizers and mentors for their choice. As every year, it is pretty difficult to dismiss so many other good proposals but there were only 11 slots available this year for Eclipse. Looking forward to a great summer!1

  1. Originally published on EclipseSource Blog ↩︎

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